3 Technology Trends That Would Impact Chemical Industry
The rapid advancement in industry 4.0 technologies like IoT, ML, etc has forced most industries to give technology adoption a top priority in the present and future business roadmap. The chemical industry in India is not an exception. It is witnessing a strong wave of digitization which will bring radical changes in the way industry has been traditionally functioning. In this article, we share three technology trends that would have a major impact on the global chemical industry in the upcoming decades. 1. IoT: IoT is an abbreviation for the Internet of Things. It is a network of devices that can communicate with each other using the internet. IoT is viewed as a true game-changer for the chemical industry. IoT will enable chemical players to collect valuable data from multiple components of the supply chain. By analyzing these data, chemical businesses would be able to introduce greater operational and functional efficiencies across the supply chain. 2. Block...